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Go All-Digital

Supporting the global environment we supply all software as digital downloads only. How can you participate?

We all can be part of the solution. Digital downloads are the "green" answer to demanding fewer resources for your computer's needs. What you get is software with an environmental footprint of zero while still staying up-to-date.

Digital downloads are one part of the larger trend in making our lives - both professional and personal - cleaner, more efficient, and better. Continue reading to see what else you can do to improve your green computing.

Limit screen-saver use. A screen saver does not save energy. In fact, more often than not, a screen saver not only will draw power for the monitor, but also will keep the CPU from shutting down. Instead, set your computer to turn off the monitor first, then go into standby mode after a longer period of inactivity.

Disconnect your Virtual Private Network (VPN) when not actively using your corporate network. Being connected may limit your system's ability to enter standby mode.

Many popular computer games and other third party software packages that run in the background will not allow the computer to go to sleep - even if they are paused or the active window is minimized.

Some web sites or pages that have active banners and or animated advertisements will not allow the computer to sleep on its own and must be closed, or the computer put manually into a sleep state.

Enabled power management to place your monitor, hard drives and computer into a low-power "sleep" mode after a period of inactivity.

Monitor/display sleep: Turn off after 15 minutes or less

Turn off hard drives/hard disk sleep: 15 minutes or less

System standby/sleep: After 30 minutes or less

Advanced users may wish to establish multiple power schemes to address different usage models. For example, you can create a power scheme for playing music CDs that shuts off your hard drive and monitor immediately, but never puts your system into standby mode.

To further reduce power consumption, turn off computing and peripheral devices that are not being used or being used for an extended period of time such as overnight.

Plug all your electronics into one surge protector, so you can easily switch them all off when you leave the room or go to sleep. Most power supplies (such as your cell phone charger) continue to draw power and generate heat even when not attached to a device.
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Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010.2.3 Tokyo Architect

System Requirements: Windows

Billing Cycle



$ / month
RRP: $
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Terms of Use:

One license per user

Supported Systems:


Included Languages:

English, Deutsch, français, 日本語
Available: 50+
RAD Studio™ is the fastest way to write, compile, package and deploy cross-platform native applications.

RAD Studio 10.2 includes the first RAD Studio Linux compiler, improved IDE menus for faster navigation, a host of FireMonkey updates and new features, new TDataSet capabilities, multi-tenancy support in RAD Server, updates to FireDAC, a number of RTL enhancements, improvements in SOAP support, greatly improved compiled C++ performance, and more.

What's new

Delphi Linux Compiler. The RAD Studio IDE now includes its first LLVM based Linux compiler for Enterprise development, enabling Delphi developers to target 64-bit Intel Linux servers and devices. The Linux compiler is certified for Ubuntu Server (LTS 16.04) and RedHat Enterprise (V7) and is built on top of the LLVM engine. ARC is enabled for effective memory management, while to ensure compatibility with code written for Windows Server, one based strings are used by default.

The new Linux compiler includes
Full File System supportThreads and Parallel Programming LibraryFireDAC database access support (for most Linux compatible databases).WebBroker, EMS (RAD Server), and DataSnapDUnitX
Your Data on Linux Connect to MySQL, Advantage Database Server, Sybase ASA, IBM DB2, Firebird, InterBase, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostreSQL, SQLite, and Teradata on Linux.

Worried about your data on Linux? Check out the latest release of our award winning SQL database - InterBase 2017. The home of Change Views now includes server wide monitoring and new language features like derived tables and common table expressions in a secure established 1st class Linux citizen. Contact Sales for details and ISV pricing.
Wide range of FireMonkey Improvements Multi-Threading Support for TBitmap, TCanvas and TContext3DFaster Android UI's with enhanced thread support.Enhanced user interaction management for TMultiViewChange the SystemStatusBar Color on iOS with new TForm Properties.New FMX styles for macOS and Android to make your apps look amazing!
New and improved database capabilities New - MariaDB support (v5.5)New GUID access for TFieldMySQL support for v5.7Firebird support for Direct I/OReduce client side memory usage with BLOBS streamingVCL TDBImage direct support for JPEG and PNG graphic formatsTFDMemTable design time dataset editor to create data for runtime use
New for C++ Greatly improved compiled C++ performance, debugging, and large memory support for the linker.The Clang-enhanced Win32 and Win64 compilers support -O3, a strong optimization level which may double compiled code performance in some situationsBetter codegen for of -O1 and -O2 optimizations in the Clang-enhanced compilersThe Clang-enhanced Win32 compiler supports generating debug info referencing external types, which reduces the size of debug information generated when referring to common shared types, such as VCL types. This significantly shrinks the size of generated debug dataPackages on iOS and Android, which are statically linked, are built with the correct .a extension instead of .soC++ Android applications can be built without requiring specific versions of the NDK
RAD Server - Multi-tenancy support A single RAD Server instance with a single RAD Server database connection can now support multiple isolated tenantsEach tenant has a unique set of RAD Server resources including Users, Groups, Installations, Edge Modules, and other dataTenant Administration: Create new tenants, edit existing ones, add, edit or delete tenants
Cross platform RTL Improvements New SynchronizeEvents property for TTetheringManager and TTetheringProfile to control the event synchronization with the main threadNew MD5 and SHA1 hash function support for files and streamsAppTethering Log Filtering and SynchronizeEvents for smooth main thread synchronization
IDE enhancements and more... Improved IDE menus for faster navigationWide array of VCL Improved High DPI supportImproved Azure and AWS support with updated APIsDelphi command line compilers enabled for large-memory-addressLatest macOS and iOS debugging and simulator support.

What customers say

ionathan, IT
I am very satisfied. The program downloaded and installed without any problem. Registration also went well. Good site. I will buy again .
Royce, TH
Very good experiene. I am extremely glad to have found this site.
Alejandro, CL
Congratulations,nice site,easy to download and good installations instructions. Thanks
Philip, GB
Easy process to download the software. Some problems with installation but quick and helpful support ensured installation. Thanks very much
John, GB
Easy to use and I was up and running within moments. Thank you
Edwin, US
Excellent instructions are given to download install and activate. Everything worked flawlessly. Thank you
debra, US
First time to download a app that was bought online went very smooth n easy would buy from u again. Enjoyed the experience Thank u